Furiosa is her birth name? Da hell?
“Is alright. A bit disappointing if you were expecting the film to add anything to her character. She mostly the same thing from beginning to end. Nothing really worthwhile. So it feels kinda pointless as a addition.
I think is a failure that Hemsworth character is so much more interesting ” read more
“Because they are bad.
Hey, unless I didn’t use the S word.
Now, is not all bad. I mean, there are like… 7 good episodes… I’m kidding!! More like 9.
A lot of them are weird stuff that is never explained. I don’t like that. Once in a while, yeah is cool, but it ” read more
“Minimal spoilers, practically non-existent.
NANA is…pretty good. It's not my kind of story to watch for that long, slice of life stories with a focus on romance don't tend to interest me much most of the time, unless they're funny, have an important theme or have something special enough” read more